Cauldron Anthology Issue 14 - Mother | Page 59

“ Hey !” Adam cried . “ You can ’ t ... you don ’ t ... we ’ re not allowed to eat that !” “ It ’ s really good .” Eve took another bite . “ Now I know things .” “ What kind of things ?” “ I know that you have a penis ,” Eve said . “ I told you , I ’ m calling that animal a mongoose .” “ Not that ,” Eve pointed between Adam ’ s legs . “ A penis .” “ So ?” “ And I have a vagina . We ’ re different .” Adam studied her intently . “ Should I eat the apple too ?” he asked . “ If you like .” “ I will .” Adam grabbed the apple out of Eve ’ s hand . “ You ’ ll get into trouble with all this knowledge . You need me to protect you .” Adam took a bite and his eyes grew wide . He looked down at his crotch and shrieked . “ My mongoose !” Adam grabbed a few leaves from the tree to cover himself . “ Don ’ t you know that we ’ re ,” he lowered his voice , “ naked ?” “ I know .” “ Then cover up !” Adam forced some leaves into Eve ’ s hands . She let them fall . “ It ’ s just us and the animals . Who cares if they see my bits ?” “ I care !” Adam said . “ I ... I don ’ t think anyone should see your bits .” “ Not even you ?” Eve asked . “ Well , yes , of course me , obviously . I should be the only one to see your bits .” Eve and the snake shared an eye roll . “ Now that I ’ ve wisely decided to give myself knowledge , we ’ ll need some new rules .
Made by me of course . And followed by you , my helper .”