Cauldron Anthology Issue 14 - Mother | Page 58

Amy Neufeld
“ You know that ’ s the tree of the knowledge of good and evil , right ?” the snake asked . Eve nodded . “ The forbidden tree ?” Eve took another bite of apple . “ Yup .” The snake hissed approvingly . “ I ’ d taken you for a bit of a goody-goody , but you aren ’ t , are you ?” Eve smiled . “ How ’ s it taste ?” “ Tart .” Eve offered the chomped apple to the snake , who shook her head . “ Suit yourself ,” Eve said . Adam came bounding across the field , holding an animal behind him by its tail as if he was flying a kite . “ Look at this !” He thrust the disgruntled creature towards Eve . “ I ’ m calling it a mongoose !” The snake at Eve ’ s feet slid into the tree ’ s shadow , eyes alert . “ We already have an animal called a goose , and it looks nothing like this ,” Eve said . “ I said a MONgoose .” Adam raised the animal over his head in triumph . “ It looks like a weasel to me ,” Eve said . “ It should be called the fluffy-tailed weasel .” “ No !” Adam said , “ God gave me the power of naming animals , and I say it ’ s a mongoose !” He twirled the agitated mongoose around his head three times , then flung it by its tail into the distance . The snake emerged slowly from the tree ’ s shadow .
Eve sighed , plucked another apple , and bit into it .