Cauldron Anthology Issue 14 - Mother | Page 42

Taking of the apple she doomed all she beget . Is it any wonder her first born son became the first murderer ? For what could be more monstrous than the killing of one ’ s own kin ? And could it be punishment for her sins ? A consequence duly earned , some might say , For casting herself and her husband out of the Garden So should her son be cast to the Land of Nod . Like child , like mother , is that not how some say the story goes ?
Is it motherhood that makes one a monster ? If one believes that a monster must beget a monster Then I suppose it must be so . Is it not mothers who are blamed , held responsible , accountable , For the actions of the child ? Must it not be the mother ’ s temper , the mother ’ s nature , the mother ’ s morals That have deformed them in such a way ? Is it not the mother that made her child monstrous ? That is the question they have begged me to ask . And in turn , does that not make the mother , a monster ?
Or , if I may end on another line of thought , Is the gi of life , is the ability to create So close to that of a God , of a Goddess , That we are made to believe , it must always come at the risk Of begetting something monstrous Or becoming the monster itself .