Cauldron Anthology Issue 14 - Mother | Page 41

Begetting Monsters
N . A . Kimber
I o en wonder if it is motherhood That makes us monstrous . That we are cursed with this gi of giving life . That should ensure the longevity of our kind , And yet so o en they deem the fruit we bear as rotten . And is there a truth that lies that a monster begets a monster ?
Gaia , mother of all life , the living Earth Beget the monsters that made the Gods Yet we see the Titans , the Giants , the Cyclopes As the enemies of Gods and Men . For it is they who tell the story . Of epic battles , of the unnatural , the evil , and wicked , falling . Not of siblings who battle . Not of the great mother , mourning for all her children . Not for the bringer of life who watches with each life she gives How she begets more destruction .
And shall we speak of Loki ? Made monstrous by their difference , Only highlighted further by their children . Distanced from the Gods , to become a parent to three hellish creations Who did nothing more than be born , and be given a destiny . One could blame their mother , a Jötunn , and giantess to be feared . But Loki was monstrous in motherhood as well as fatherhood , An eight-legged horse to earn that title , the monstrous child proved useful , To be taken away by the God who called Loki brother only in name And never through action .
And what of Eve ? First wife , first mother ? Monstrous when she was tempted by the serpent