Careers360 World-class universities: What can India learn? | Page 5
World class
It is all about
money, very
big money
at that
Being world class does not come cheap. While
universities with 2 lakh crore rupees endowments are
few, we found that most global universities have operating budgets over 20,000 crores per annum…
by Team Careers360
ndowments worth rupees
203,373 crores (USD 32.7 billion ) is what Harvard has under
its command. Drew Faust, President, Harvard university puts it in perspective by commending that just about
5% of the whole endowment could be
used on an annual basis, since they
come with a whole lot of stipulations
and covenants. Even then 5% of that is
about 10,000 crores, nearly 38 % of the
university’s annual expenditure. That
is the kind of financial muscle global
universities enjoy.
What are endowments?
University education, especially in nonstate funded colleges, is quite expensive.
Income from endowment is the most
common route that these institutions
use to provide financial assistance and
attract high quality students Endowments are funds that academic institutions frequently control, which finance
January 2014
Annual Expenditure
University of
of Michigan Ann Arbor
University of
a portion of the operating or capital
needs of the institution. These are normally financial but also can be in the
form of land or buildings. World class
universities constantly compete for
funds to enable themselves to expand
and grow. For example Harvard University which boasts of the world’s largest
endowment has now come up with a
Yale university with an annual
budget of $2.82 billion justifies big
spending for quality education