Careers360 World-class universities: What can India learn? | Page 6

Indian Expenditure Universities with over Rs 300 crores annual spending Rs.Crores All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), Aligarh Columbia University Cornell University University of Chicago University of Wisconsin Madison 29,749 27,616 26,818 21,517 19,910 18,973 17,598 “Harvard Campaign” (http://campaign. with a goal to set up a huge 6.5 billion US dollar fund for priority areas. 438.34 434.31 371.85 Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa, New Delhi 316.82 University of Mumbai 300 How much does the student fee contribute? Where do universities spend? Most of the income from endowments is spend on bursaries, named scholarships, particular issues or areas of enquiry, chair professorships, initial seed funding for new lines of research etc. For example, the MacArthur Fellowships (a private foundation awards the fellowship) target talented individuals who have shown extraordinary originality and dedication in their creative pursuits. The fellowship demands nothing in return other than a commitment to pursue interesting lines of enquiry from a select group of US professors who are awarded. There are almost no similar lines of funding available to an Indian professor. Ananya Vajpaye, an academic with Centre for Studies in Developing Societies, New Delhi laments that most of her work on Indian political thought was made possible by being located in the United States or European universities, a fact many other good academics readily concur. 449.35 University of Delhi Harvard University Postgraduate Inst. of Medical Edu & Res, Chandigarh IIT Madras Johns Hopkins University 499.68 Panjab University, Chandigarh Stanford University 521.7 Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi All Figures in Rs.Crore 1160.6 So many things determine the quality of an institution. If you compare institutions in India and the US and look at the management institutions, this year IIM-Ahmedabad and IIM-Calcutta have been ranked 18th & 19th in the Financial Times ranking, these institutions do not have the resources of even one-tenth of what universities in US have. So, it is possible for Indian institutions to come up to a level. They might not have all the resources but the resources should be adequate. Prof Shekhar Choudhuri Director, SME, Shiv Nadar University 35 Careers 360 January 2014 It is endowments that help universities defray the cost of education. And it is here that Indian universities drastically differ from global best practices. In India most institutions are totally funded either by government grants (as in the case of public universities) or by student fees (as in the case of private universities in general). World over student fees do not contribute to more than 30- 35 % of a university’s total expenditure, in India it is almost 90% or above, sans government funding. Does Government help? Our spending on higher education is woefully inadequate. The best Indian universities have budgets in the region of Rs. 300 – 600 crores per annum, which is 1/10th or 1/20th of the global average. Prof C NR Rao was not way off when he contended that we spend peanuts on research. And whatever little government spends is spread evenly. Barring the University with Potential for Excellence Scheme, there are very few competitive funding mechanism with well defined output expectations in India. Even that programme offers between