CANADIAN PHYSIQUE ALLIANCE July / August 2024 | Page 36

onset pubescence in girls , late onset in boys , childhood and adult obesity , Impaired glucose tolerance , gestational diabetes , chronic inflammation , reduced birth weight , reduced semen quality , and fertility , polycystic ovarian syndrome , endometriosis , and breast cancer and colon cancer . To name some … there ’ s more .
Organo , phosphates are some of the worst , and they are all over vegetables , cauliflower , broccoli , fruits , like strawberries , raspberries , blueberries , apples , etc . Concentrating the amounts as we consume , when we think we ’ re trying to eat healthy .
Every one of these things takes away from healthy , vibrant longevity , compromising our health , our fitness performance , our cognition . Our daily acumen to live better . This should be something that details , the identification of these things and how we can remove them , “ our acumen to live better ”. Also , how we can ameliorate the effects of things that we are exposed to ; clothing as I mentioned above liquids , air quality in our area of operations exposure , that we can ’ t fully remove ourselves from or from us .
These tips and longevity hacks will go far to give our bodies armament and strength to live longer and stronger .
Starting with the most important , sleep more friends . I wrote an article a few years ago about the importance of sleep .
I always knew it was important , but I learned so much from writing that article . Most basic and number one , sleep more . Then of course the thing that life is based on , survival default . We are of necessity exposed to every day to survive . FOOD DUDE ! To my clients , I would say “ proper human diet origin-based food ”. What does that mean ? It means , avoid all fast food products , all packaged food materials . Cook at home , prepare your food . Choose fresh or frozen from fresh foods , avoid false foods , fast foods , canned foods , foods with long shelf life are riddled with these things , full of chemicals . Why do you think a Wagon Wheel wheel or a Twinkie will last on your desk for two weeks and taste the same as when you open the package ? Simply eat the way we have been eating for 100s of thousands of years . Well up until the industrial food and pharm revolution . Avoid heating liquids and foods in plastics , microwaving foods in plastics . Avoid putting hot food and liquids into Styrofoam or plastics before consuming . This means absolutely no hot beverages in plastic Styrofoam cups , no takeout food in plastic or Styrofoam . Store food in your fridge in glass or ceramic or stainless steel containers to avoid storage in Tupperware of plastic .
Yes , that ’ s right . It ’ s a series of removing variables and avoiding these things that we don ’ t see , but has been accumulating in our bodies since birth and potentially earlier because of what we were taking from our mother , she was consuming and exposed to during pregnancy .