CANADIAN PHYSIQUE ALLIANCE July / August 2024 | Page 35

How important is this to each of you ? do you focus much of your thoughts , or time or energy and daily actions on overarching , and the nuance of protecting and enhancing your longevity ?. What do I mean by overarching and the nuance ? Well , I mean the grand and broad from things like what you eat , how much sleep you get , and do you exercise . To the fine tuned details of specific kinds of exercise , healing , detoxification , amelioration , and protection from harmful substances and poisons . Chemicals like endocrine , disruptors for example .
Things that start off a cascade of downstream health issues and potential comorbidity events as they concentrate over time . Beginning in our hormone system , accumulating and reeking havoc on us as we age .
Well , today we are going to shed light on the overarching nuance . Discussing and detailing some ways in which we can all do more ! So , Maybe you are already doing a few of them , maybe some of you none , but dig in . I have some insightful stuff for you to chew on and digest today . We are exposed to such high amounts of endocrine disrupting chemicals , and substances unbeknownst to us mostly . You gotta know what they are and where they come from . Mostly we are without awareness of how the hormones in our body are affected by these toxins and chemicals . They are everywhere existing in our clothes , from cosmetics , fragrances , cleaning products , body care products , furniture , bedding , food , food packaging , food products , and the water , liquids and beverages we consume . Numerous studies exists for relationship of these chemicals like parabens and phthalates , bisphenols halogens and glyphosates ; directly influencing , early