CANADIAN PHYSIQUE ALLIANCE July / August 2024 | Page 34




Hello everyone , I believe that this will find you all working on yourselves , living your best and seeking a higher standard of health , performance and longevity every day . Something deeply important to me , living this gift of life , and getting older , is getting better , with deeper preparedness for the years to come . A client of mine thanked me the other day for being this powerful example to him . Living the way I teach him and his family , about food , fitness , health and longevity . This means everything to me ; it ’ s a standard upon which I measure myself daily . I coach , teach and guide so many , and to each a different life dynamic , but all the sand foundation . So I must be the principal example , at a ground level , of getting better and unwavering in my quest for health and performance . As they hold me to this very high standard , the expectation upon me In turn makes me hold myself to an even higher standard . For what does it profit a man at all , to not practice what he speaks . If he intends to do good , and help others ? To be anything but the example of what he teaches others , while on this path to a healthier and genuinely better existence .
So for all of my athletes , clients of all lifestyles and all of you out there . Whether it ’ s looking the best on the stage , or crushing it in the field or rink for you competitors . This is of the highest importance . Plainly then , if we are focussing efforts to improve our longevity , and our performance , our bodies will recover , heal , and produce better results .