CANADIAN PHYSIQUE ALLIANCE July / August 2024 | Page 37

Now that we ’ re not taking in anymore and building an accumulation , this is how we can remove the concentrated amounts of these things stored in our liver and fat cells , making us so unhealthy . Increasing reactive atoms with unpaired electron clouds , bouncing around ramped up free radicals wreaking havoc on our body .
Can you guess ? Hopefully some of you could , and if so , I ’ m proud of you :
High intensity exercise where you sweat a lot , a lot a lot . Add in a sauna , and steams , purging toxins through and out of sebaceous glands . Water ! No less important , is to drink good water and lots of it . What do I mean by good water ? Water without chlorine and fluoride . When you drink a diet drink , when you drink an energy drink , when you drink a canned or bottled beverage most of those nearly all of them are made with filtered but chlorinated and fluoridated water . Refer back to “ iodine ” in my “ essential supplement series ” to understand how important removing halogens such as fluoride chlorine and bromide is . Also , some great tips in there for longevity as well .
Now the supplemental level to increase your body ’ s detox . Our most powerful antioxidants , detoxification molecules . Glutathione , if you remember for my article “ tremendous telomeres ”. Glycine and cysteine , two amino acids , are responsible for making our most powerful line of defence , glutathione . So some of you are familiar with my previous writing , you ’ ll know that I make a pretty strong case for creatine as an essential nutrient . Also supplementing with NAC , why Jed ? Well you ’ re going to get all the glycine and cysteine that you need to make glutathione . Creatine and
NAC provide all the glycine and cysteine needed . Taking creatine around training increases bioavailability . Taking NAC at night before bed is an awesome way to detox . We oxidize all day long . We need to anti-oxidize while we rest , recover and sleep . Ramping up our most powerful antioxidants at night before bed .
I don ’ t wanna bore you friends with deep detail of regimental scaling , and preparedness on how to increase longevity . To which I believe each of you needs to find your path of disciplined daily , format of action . I want to give you an overview in simplicity , on how easy it is to approach the things all around us , on us , and in us that we may not have been paying attention to first and foremost . Friends , Our energy and time are our two most important resources . Both of which we cannot get back . So if we focus some to , rest , remove toxins supplement with detoxifying agents and provide a healthy top down process for our body , well , our energy will be more strategically expended , and effective . Our time was more productive , and fulfilling .
In closing , if we want to be better , stronger , of higher performance , and to live healthier . Eat whole food , exercise hard , intensely and consistently . Remove liquid sugars , processed fructose , commercial oxidized chemically altered seed and vegetable oil . Packaged products , materials , false foods , and all of the containers we would transmit heat through . Critical involvement in all things that we are , and what we do daily . We will produce the greatest performance and return on our investment of energy and time .