Campaign Corner 2024 | Page 38

Section 4 . Ballot Election , Term of Office .


Section 4 . Ballot Election , Term of Office .

Elected officers shall be elected by ballot and shall assume office at the close of the NJCL Convention at which they are elected . Officers shall serve until the close of the next NJCL Convention when their successors shall assume the duties of office .
A .
B .
Each State in good standing and which was represented by two representatives at the meeting of the Nominations Committee and by 10 % of their convention ’ s delegation at the Candidates ’ Open Forum meeting shall have two votes . Each State which was represented by only one representative at the meeting of Nominations Committee or less than 10 % of their convention ’ s delegation at Candidates ’ Open Forum meeting shall have one vote . Each State which was not represented at one or both of the two aforementioned meetings shall have no votes . Only members which are in good standing may vote in the State ’ s delegation . A candidate must receive a plurality of votes in order to win their election .
A State ’ s votes may be split between two candidates . A State may vote “ present ,” whereby their vote shall count towards no candidate .
C . Vote by proxy shall not be allowed . If a State has met the requirements for voting , they may submit their ballots to the NJCL Parliamentarian or Constitutional Advisor prior to the General Assembly at which voting occurs if they will not be able to attend that Assembly .
D . A Committee of Tellers shall be composed of the NJCL Parliamentarian and the Constitutional Advisor . It shall be the duty of this committee to hand out , collect , and count the ballots cast by the State delegations . Should the Parliamentarian be a candidate for office at the time of the election , the Constitutional Advisor may choose another member of the National Committee ( defined in Article IX Section 1 ) to assist counting the ballots . The Tellers ’ Report shall not be read to the State delegations . The Tellers ’ Report may be shown to State Chairs if called upon by a two-thirds vote of the State Chairs present .
E .
Each current officer shall announce their successor at the General Assembly in which the ballots are counted . Should an office be vacant due to no candidate receiving a plurality , the newly-installed NJCL President may announce the Executive Board ’ s appointee at the General Assembly during which the new board takes their oath of office .