Campaign Corner 2024 | Page 37

[ Section 3 ( continued )]


[ Section 3 ( continued )]

B .
2 . If a candidate wishes to run for a different office than the one for which they originally applied , their original documentation shall suffice . They shall , however , be required to obtain permission for this change from their State Chair ( s ) and communicate that along with their intention to the Parliamentarian .
3 . After June 30th , the Parliamentarian shall communicate to the membership about any offices for which there will be a State of Emergency at that year ’ s convention .
A Nominations Committee shall consist of two ( 2 ) previously selected representatives from each State JCL attending the NJCL convention , or one if there is only one member of a State present . The NJCL Parliamentarian shall serve as the chair ; in the event that the Parliamentarian is a candidate for an office , the NJCL President shall chair during that nomination . The Communications Coordinator shall attend to take minutes . The Constitutional Advisor shall attend the meeting of the Nominations Committee to act as an advisor . The quorum shall be three-fourths of the State JCL chapters present at the NJCL convention .
1 . A sponsor from the candidate ’ s state or province must be present with the candidate at the Nominations Committee , but if no sponsor from the candidate ’ s state or province is able to attend the meeting , a sponsor from another state or province may stand up for the candidate , with the acquiescence of the candidate ’ s own local sponsor .
2 . If there are two or more nominees for an office , nominations from the floor shall not be allowed .
3 . If there are fewer than two nominees for an office , the Parliamentarian may call a State of Emergency . In the case of a State of Emergency , nominations from the floor may be allowed . During a State of Emergency , the Nominations Committee may , by a majority vote , allow nominations from the floor for a candidate from the State whose member held the office the previous year , provided no other candidates from that State have already been nominated .