Campaign Corner 2022 | Page 10





I believe that marketing is critical in elections. Having a well-rounded platform is beneficial, but I recommend choosing one strong new idea from your platform (combined with experience that supports your ability to carry it out) to highlight above everything else so that all voters can make at least one impression of your campaign without being overwhelmed by other details. On the idea of marketing, presentation is also vital: ensure promotional materials are aesthetically pleasing, show appreciation for others’ interest in your campaign, and connect with attendees (make a few jokes or ask questions about themselves). The unfortunate reality is that even the most qualified candidates with the brightest ideas may not be elected to the national board; however, any student leader in any position is still capable of making an impact across borders. 

Above all, the first vice president is responsible for expanding organization membership and chaptership, which can be accomplished in a variety of ways (e.g. holding office hours, sending outreach emails, hosting workshops, planning events, creating promotional materials, etc.). It is up to the office holder to decide what methods to use to grow the JCL. More tangible tasks include spearheading National Classics Week (which includes deciding a theme, designing the booklet, and writing or collecting entries for each day), overseeing national publicity and promotional contests (which includes revising the guidelines and publishing them on the NJCL website), and working with student officers and adult sponsors of new JCLs to help start or grow their chapters (which entails meeting with them online or communicating with them via email to provide any needed resources or strategies).

Preparation for first vice president depends on the goals of the office holder, e.g. event planning for promoting JCL, outreach to potential outside organizations for partnerships, graphic design for creating promotional materials, etc. However, strong communication skills are critical in working with both adult sponsors and student officers at the local, state, and national levels. Given the flexible and self-guided nature of the role, first vice presidents should also be goal-oriented, responsible, and motivated. The NJCL and ACL have numerous resources to aid the first vice president in the completion of any new projects, but it is up to the individual to brainstorm these initiatives and to carry through with bringing them to fruition.

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1st Vice President