Cake! magazine by Australian Cake Decorating Network March 2020 Cake! Magazine | Page 39
Step 30:
Make two cylinder
shapes to create the
Step 29:
hands. Roll them,
Place both in a round ice cube mould until they dry making one edge
out, then carefully remove them from the mould.
thinner than the other.
Step 31:
Stick the bowl on
bunny’s lap with royal
icing and place the arm
around the bowl.
Step 32: Step 33: Step 34:
Insert a small piece of
toothpick to the other
arm. This is going to be
the spoon handle. Insert the other end of
the toothpick into the
bowl and push it through
so it will secure the
placement of the bowl.
Stick the other end of
the arm to the shoulder,
and stick the other bowl
near the bunny’s right
leg. Place some yellow
fondant in the bowl to
cover the toothpick
and the join inside the
bowl. Make some small
teardrop shapes and
stick them around the
bowl and on the egg to
create a splatter/spilling