Cake! magazine by Australian Cake Decorating Network March 2020 Cake! Magazine | Page 40
Step 37:
Step 35:
Repeat the process for
the other bowl, this time
using pink fondant.
Step 36:
Make two sleeves and place them above bunny’s
shoulders, covering the joins.
Roll out some white
fondant and cut two
large ear shapes. Roll
out some pink fondant
thinly and cut two
slightly smaller ear
shapes. Stick the pink
cut outs on to the white
ear shapes.
Step 38: Step 39:
Stick the ears on to
bunny’s head and
shoulders, with the pink
side facing down. To create the chef’s hat, roll two short fondant
cylinders (one small and one large). Use a veining
tool on the larger cylinder to make few contours,
and mark lines on the smaller cylinder to create the
lower part of the chef’s hat.