Cake! magazine by Australian Cake Decorating Network March 2020 Cake! Magazine | Page 38
Step 23:
Step 24:
Using a pointed tool or
toothpick, define the
mouth and nose area. Using pink fondant,
create the nose and
lower lip and attach
them to the head. Use
a shaping tool to make
indents for the eyes. Step 25: Step 26: Step 27: I used a combination of
these tools to create the
bunny’s face – Sugar
Shapers and pointed
modelling tools. Using a thin brush, paint Attach the head to the
the eyeballs, eyelashes
body on a slight angle.
and eyebrows (I used
Americolour black gel
colour). Step 28:
Roll out some white
fondant and cut out
two circles to make the
bowls. Place a circle on
your palm and, using
your index finger on
the other hand, slightly
press the fondant with
a circular movement to
create the shape.
Step 22:
Using white fondant,
make two small teardrop
shapes and stick them
where the eyes are