Cake! Magazine by Aust Cake Decorating Network November 2020 | Page 20

Step 12 :
sing the same process of heating both surfaces , being the item to attach and where it will be attached too , attach on and position his arms – careful to heat enough to bond but not too much to melt him ! Use your tools to tidy up any over hang – More Point is great for fine and small details like shoulders etc
Step 13 :
Same process again , this time to attach Santa ’ s head securely .
Step 15 : Step 16 :
A little bit of tidy up with the heat gun and your tools , and Santa is starting to come together .
Create 2 little mittens and secure them into place – smaller is better and mine weighed 1 gram each . The shape was a little ball that I flattered and flattened one side . More Pointy helped smooth into place .