BYM ONLINE DESK November 2016 | Page 12

FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR 2015-2016 (Submitted to the Members of the 45th General Body of the Blessing Youth Mission) Dear fellow-warriors in Christ, Greetings to you in the matchless name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who has been always faithful (2 Tim 2:13). We are pleased to submit the Financial Report for the year 2015-2016. A comparative statement is given below for a quick reference. The total receipt from April 2015 to March 2016 was Rs. 12.56 Crores which is Rs. 130 Lakhs more than the previous period. The expenditure for the period from April 2015 to March 2016 is Rs. 10.49 Crore which is Rs. 88 Lakhs more than the previous period. Our hearts overflow with gratitude to our Lord and Saviour Jesus for His faithfulness during the past 45 years. SI. NO 1 2 PARTICULARS Receipts Payments 2015-2016 (In Lakhs) 1256.46 1049.01 2015-2014 (In Lakhs) 126.51 961.72 We gratefully thank and acknowledge God's people who gave sacrificially and liberally and contributed for this noble cause of missionary evangelism. We would like to record our special word of thanks to each of our Missionary Offering Collectors who prayerfully visited Christian homes, Fellowships and Churches to raise prayer and financial support. They rendered this noble task in spite of their personal, professional and social commitments. We are also thankful to our auditor, Mr. C.A.K. PonpandiInbarasu, B.Sc.,F.C.A.,Tuticorin for his good services and guidance for our staff in the Accounts Department in our Head Quarters at Vellore and Blessing Literature Centre, Chennai. As you would have known, we are experiencing a fall in the rate of interest on deposits. Now there is also a need to mobilise funds internally to reduce our dependence on the partnership agencies especially for the social concern projects. We need to plan and proceed in this direction. We would also like to raise the number of sponsorships under the 200/400 plan (200 New Missionary Sponsor and 400 New Kids Sponsor), which we have introduced under EFAM(Every Family A Missionary) so that missionaries are well taken care of financially. If all the partners and lay leaders work towards this end, it can be achieved in no time. The Mission thankfully records its appreciation for the staff at Mission fields and at Head Quarters for their sincere works. The Mission also thanks the Director, Regional Shepherds, State Coordinators, District Coordinators, Advisory Committee members, Executive Committee members, Tamil Nadu Ministerial Team Members and also the Lay Volunteers for their support and encouragement. Yours in His Service, (T. Prince StachysRavindran) Hon'ble Treasurer, Blessing Youth Mission “ There shall be showers of blessing.” Ezekiel 34:26 |PAGE 12|