about leadership as well. When Jesus was
talking about his crucifixion and death,
they started to discuss about their future
leader (Lu 9:31,46). Even on the day of the
last supper, the disciples were arguing
about 'Greatness' (Lu 22:24).
How sad it is to find competition,
lobbying, can vassing in the name of
election in our Churches
organizations! People fight for the post of
Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and so on.
Do you know what Jesus said to His
disciples when they were fighting among
Luke 9:47,48 - “But Jesus, knowing
the reasoning of their hearts, took a child
and put him by his side and said to them,
“Whoever receives this child in my name
receives me, and whoever receives me
receives him who sent me. For he who is
least among you all is the one who is great.”
We should become like a child. Our
haughtiness and ego should go. We should
have the mind of Christ - to become smaller
and to humble ourselves.
Status and Popularity
Sometimes we maintain a gap
between certain group of people and call it
as status. But Jesus identified Himself with
the poor and needy. He touched the lepers.
Today, many in ministry are not
approachable by normal people. We find a
lot of tele-evangelists who promote their
ministry by showing that they are more
powerful than others. “When I raise my
hand, people fall.” is the testimony they
want to establish.
Is this the testimony you want to tell
the world? To make people fall? What a
pity? God hated this false pride and status.
He was particularly hard on Pharisees and
Sadducees. He hated this hypocrisy in the
name of religion.
Beloved, we should always stay
humble and simple. Let us not run after
cheap popularity.
Servants of God, what should be our
Luke 17:10 - “So you also, when you
have done all that you were commanded,
say, 'We are unworthy servants; we have
only done what was our duty.'”
1 Cor 9:16 - “For if I preach the gospel,
that gives me no ground for boasting. For
necessity is laid upon me. Woe to me if I do
not preach the gospel!”
Let us wear humility and fulfill our
duties as faithful servants of Christ.
(Transcripted from Mr. A. Lionel's
message for the 45th Annual General
Body Members of the Blessing Youth
Mission held in Chennai - Part 1)
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