BYM ONLINE DESK November 2016 | Page 10

But David stood fast to his humility till the day of his death, in a stark contrast to Saul. It is easy to stay humble in the beginning days of our ministry, but as years go by we should be more humble. Independence or Dependence Lord Jesus always depended on the Father. Even though He Himself was God, he did not do anything on His own (John 8:28). Although, He was given all things by the Father, He submitted to the will of the Father (John 3:34,35). He did not say anything other than what the Father taught Him to say (John 14:24). Jesus, thus ended His earthly life and ministry according to the will and purpose of the Father. Note what He says during the final hours before crucifixion: John 17:4 - “I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do.” Let us not seek great things for ourselves (Jer 45:5). Let us examine our hearts. Let the cry of the Psalmist be ours: “Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory”(Ps 115:1). Leader or Servant There was an occasion in the life of Jesus Christ when people forced Him to become king. Look carefully how Jesus reacted: John 6:14,15 - “When the people saw the sign that he had done, they said, “This is indeed the Prophet who is to come into the world!”Perceiving then that they were about to come and take him by force to make him king, Jesus withdrew again to the mountain by himself.” Jesus withdrew from worldly positions of power and authority. Today, sadly we find Christians lobbying for posts even in Christian institutions. How different was Jesus' style of leadership! He did not lord over his disciples but volunteered to wash their feet (John 13:14,15). Let Jesus be our model! Recently I met a Christian professional who works for a MNC. He elucidated how his CEO was friendly with junior staff and how the middle level managers allowed junior staff to interact with the CEO. The atmosphere in the company created a friendly environment where everyone can learn new things and share innovative ideas. This attitude is sadly lacking in Christian circles. Sometimes the secular leadership styles are better than what we see today in many Christian organizations. There is so much of back-biting and craving for leadership positions that it has spoiled the organizations' environment. We should understand that everyone likes to be treated with respect and love. We should never boss around people. We may be leaders, but we should never forget that we are servants. And, we are not 'Great Servants' of God but 'Servants' of the 'Great God.' The disciples of Jesus were crazy |PAGE 10|