BYM ONLINE DESK Nov 2018 Blessing English Emagazine | Page 8 | November 2018
Just see how several of the books of the New
Testament were addressed to the individuals - Luke ,
Acts of the Apostles, 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon ,
2 John & 3 John.
These letters were addressed to individual
people. The writers wrote to one individual and God is
using that letter as a blessing to millions of people
down through the centuries. You may take a small
prayer group. Your church may be small. Be not
discouraged if only few people turn up. Let us keep
planting the seeds. God will give an increase in due
Only a humble person can do small works.
Integrity without humbleness is not possible. Ministry
also includes cleaning the church toilets, making hall-
arrangements, washing the dishes and the like. Our
motivation should be to serve others. Ministry is
serving others. It is not about what we get. It is about
what we give. There cannot be much material gain in a
true ministry.
Note the words of Jesus about being great:
Mat 20:26-28 “It shall not be so among you. But
whoever would be great among you must be your
servant, and whoever would be first among you must
be your slave, even as the Son of Man came not to be
served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for
Many people, today are complaining about not
getting a chance on the stage. Stage-mongers will
never be of any use in the kingdom of God. Let us
decide to stay behind the stage. We need scores of
such behind-the-screen workers for ministry. Are we a
stage-monger or a back-stager?
2. Serving in a Secret Manner
Psa 97:2 “Clouds and thick darkness are all
around him; righteousness and justice are the
foundation of his throne.”
The Lord resides in thick darkness. 'Thick
darkness' is the secret place of the Most High. It does
not signify literal darkness because God Himself is
Light. It means the secret chamber of the Beloved. We
are to relate to God in a more intimate way. This is what
'thick darkness' means. It can be compared to the
relationship between the husband and wife. There are
many secret things in this relationship which cannot be
shared with others. We need to serve the Lord in this
secret place.
Jesus taught about three areas in which we need
to serve secretly:
Secret Giving
Mat 6:4 - “ that your giving may be in
secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward
Secret Praying
Mat 6:6 - “But when you pray, go into your room
and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in
secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward
Secret Fasting
Mat 6:18 “...that your fasting may not be seen
by others but by your Father who is in secret. And your
Father who sees in secret will reward you.”
Our service should be rendered to God and to
Him alone. It should not be done in order to be seen by
men or to be recognised by the crowd. Once it gets
man's recognition, it loses its significance. Many
today crave for recognition in ministry. We want to
push ourselves to the front. We want to be identified
with the prominent preachers of God. We self-market
ourselves thinking that the more people watch and hear
us, the more successful we are. Note how the Gospel
writers wrote about Jesus. None of them mentioned
their name or told us about themselves. None of them
highlighted their educational qualifications. None of
them promoted themselves. They were obsessed with
the Lord Jesus and His death and resurrection. They
reported what He said and did. We are to follow suit.
Let us not promote ourselves but God and the message
of His Son, Jesus Christ.
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