BYM ONLINE DESK July 2018 English Emagazine | Page 6
July 2018
possessions. Likewise, David was not satisfied with
what God had given him. He wanted more and this
craving resulted in adultery and a murder of an
innocent man.
See how God responded with pain:
2 Sam 12:8,9 “And I gave thee thy master's house,
and thy master's wives into thy bosom, and gave thee
the house of Israel and of Judah; and if that had been
too little, I would moreover have given to thee such
and such things. Why have you despised the word of
the Lord, to do what is evil in his sight?”
God told David that He would have given him
more had he asked Him. But this thing that David did
was evil in God's sight.
This is the message that God wants to say to
many of us. He says, 'If you had asked for property, I
would have given it to you, but why did you write a
false account?', and 'If you would have asked for
money, I would have given it to you, but why did you
cheat your brother in order to take his property?'
Hence let us join with Apostle Paul and say, “Not that
I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in
whatever situation I am to be content” (Phil 4:11).
through dishonest ways. Take for an example, if we
need a door-mat for our house, we go to a shop. And
in that shop we happen to see an attractive carpet, and
want to buy that. This, in spite of the fact that we have
very less money in our pocket. But we may have
some other money that does not belong to us.
Instinctively, we spend that money, forgetting about
the fact that we are using someone else's money.
Pro 21:20 “Precious treasure and oil are in a wise
man's dwelling, but a foolish man devours it.”
The Bible here says that the foolish man spends
recklessly. He does not think about tomorrow and
wastes away money. Because of this habit, he
borrows money and is not able to repay it. Many
believers, after borrowing money declare that God
would take care. They think that they are living a life
of faith like that of Abraham. God cannot be held
responsible for the mess that we have created because
of our mishandling of money. We need to think twice
before borrowing money from somebody.
We read about the excellent wife in Proverbs
31st chapter. We find that in her house there is no lack
of grain. But today we see many women nagging
their husbands for spending on things that are not
necessary. On the other hand, the excellent wife that
we read in this chapter is highly industrious and helps
her husband. She also gives food to the poor.
Pro 31:10,11 “An excellent wife who can find? She is
far more precious than jewels. The heart of her
husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of
We are not able to have integrity in finances
because we spend money in a haphazard manner.
Because of this habit of over-spending, we always
run low in our finances and we try to earn money
We find Jesus teaching the concept of
4) Spendthrift
Many today buy things just because somebody
had bought them. Our 'Needs' and 'Wants' should not
be decided by our next door neighbor or colleague.
We should learn to differentiate between 'Needs' and
'Wants.' We may want many things but all those
things may not be needed. In our houses there are
many things which are not even used once. They are
in the shelves like decorative items. It is very
important that we buy only that which is needed for
our day-to-day living.
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