Category 6
The Life
Dennis Gyamfi
Ebony Torrington
The Stephen Lawrence
Charitable Trust
Our Vision
The Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust (the Trust) works closely with learners, educational institutions, businesses and public and voluntarysector organisations and funders to identify real needs and create opportunities that help young people realise their full potential. This is
achieved through a blend of academic and vocational training, creative learning and skill acquisition projects together with work readiness
activities and advice. The Trust ultimately hopes to:
l Advance social justice by promoting diversity, equality and community cohesion.
l Relieve poverty by addressing the causes of urban decay, youth disaffection and educational underachievement.
l Create healthier urban communities by improving urban design, enterprise, regeneration and sustainability.
The operational base is the Stephen Lawrence Centre, a community-based, purpose-built centre of educational and training excellence in
Deptford, on the borders of the London Boroughs of Lewisham and Greenwich. The Trust supports and encourages communities to engage
in activities that give them a positive experience of citizenship. It provides opportunities for businesses to engage with and contribute to the
social, environmental and economic development of the communities within which they operate.
Our Mission
As a national educational charity, our mission is to:
l Reduce race inequalities by challenging discrimination and supporting the development of sustainable and cohesive communities.
l Increase the number of young people who pursue a career in urban design, the built environment and the architectural professions with
a focus on bringing about lasting improvements to those whose life chances are constrained by economic, cultural and social hardship.
l Help young people find pathways out of poverty into sustainable, rewarding careers in