Business Chief APAC+ANZ Magazine October 2015 | Page 73

Key differentiators UGL ’ s Rail division , which falls under the Rail , Defence and International ( RDI ) umbrella , has a strong philosophy of being an employer of choice not circumstance . Despite the reduction in the manufacturing space , the company has continued to evolve its maintenance division though diversification of services .
This has resulted in a new component overhaul division ( COD ), which is able to leverage its large manufacturing and workshop facilities for wider use . Split into mechanical and electrical , the new division also utilises the strong partnerships it has built in mining and Rail with the likes of GE , Pacific National , Aurizon , Rio Tinto and several other similar organisations .
Newman said : “ Many of our customers have some ability to do their own in-house maintenance in their own right . That ’ s why we sell parts to them as our external customers . But with the ( COD ) division we service , repair , refurbish and overhaul equipment as new .”
“ One of the greatest technology advancements UGL has managed to achieve in the last two years and successfully rolled out over the last six months has been our mobility
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