Business Chief APAC+ANZ Magazine November 2014 | Page 37


Establishing a strong , detailed marketing plan from the get-go will be a guiding force in subsequent marketing ventures .

then can supplement the evolution of a brand ’ s marketing plan .
Let ’ s take a look at one of the most well-known brands in the world : Apple . The first iPhone was truly a radical product innovation . Since then , several augmentations have been made to improve the product . Once its big innovation was established , Apple has to only tweak its product from there . As such , each subsequent iPhone has been an improvement , both in hardware and software , but not quite the game changer the first mobile was .
Continuous branding is necessary for product augmentation and vice versa , and product innovation is a great example of the necessity of continuous branding . Who would buy a new and improved iPhone if Apple ’ s marketers didn ’ t also update their
brand experience ? Between some versions of the iPhone ( the 5 and 5c for example ), the improvements weren ’ t necessarily industry-changing . But Apple stores worldwide still had customers camping out and lining up around the block for a slice of the slightly different Apple pie .
For your business , establishing a strong , detailed marketing plan from the get-go will be a guiding force in subsequent marketing ventures in the future . Each time your marketing strategy augments , it should build on the foundation already put in place . Whether these branding efforts occur in line with an actual product or service