Business Chief APAC+ANZ Magazine July 2014 | Page 9


“ I asked myself ‘ how many times in one ’ s life does one have an opportunity to make a real difference ?’”

– Franck Demoiseau
many times in one ’ s life does one have an opportunity to make a real difference ?”
What exactly is Givematcher , and how does it reward the different stakeholders ?
Givematcher is a charity portal that is helping charities all over Australia raise more money more easily online , using a unique new concept we call
Open Matched Giving ( OMG ): donors donate to a charity and their donation is matched by one of our socially minded participating companies ( not necessarily their employer ).
Charities get new donors , receive higher donations due to the matching and reduce their cost of fundraising . Companies are rewarded with cost-effective marketing and brand building , particularly when they opt to offer to match the donations of