their existing customers , potential customers and staff . Companies are also delighted that their philanthropy budget is leveraged by donations from private donors , and consider that this is a much better way to provide financial support to their chosen causes and to increase their social impact . Donors , the third stakeholder , receive a heartfelt leveraging effect for their donation . The overwhelming majority of donors have never had this option and are enjoying this benefit for the very first time in their life .
What has the response been so far to this innovative charitable platform ?
Being only three months old , this is still early days ! We have had to follow a very specific implementation sequence , consisting of three phases : firstly , bring on board the charities , then the companies , and finally the public . The reaction from the charities has been stunning , with around 100 charities signing up in the first three months , including many of the major charities ( Heart Foundation , Mission
10 July 2014