Australia , Salvation Army , St Vincent de Paul Society , The Leukaemia Foundation , Guide Dogs and many others ). Charities love that this new channel is allowing them to gain new donors and raise more funds in the most cost-effective way . They are also delighted that they can go to companies and offer them new value in return for their financial support , by asking for matching donations instead of donations or grants .
We have just started the second phase and are meeting with companies . The early feedback is excellent . So far , 10 companies have joined and many more are in the pipeline . The marketing and social
recognition benefits are strong drivers , as is the opportunity to leverage their social impact and to become even more helpful to the community . We have not yet contacted donors , as this will be the third phase , but in spite of this , we are already seeing exponential donation flows , as charities and companies are driving donors to our portal .
How do you see Givematcher growing and evolving in the future ?
We shall quickly grow to hundreds of charities and companies , and likely beyond this , as the benefits to charities and companies are very
Heart Foundation Mission Australia
Guide Dogs Australia Salvation Army
Leukaemia Foundation St Vincent de Paul