TO WATCH : ‘ HGC GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATE PROFILE ’ platforms as key to what a telecom provider is capable of offering to its customers . “ As we evolve more in this digital world , things collide and interact ,” she says . “ You can ’ t look at one thing and not look at others simultaneously . For example , you need to enrich cybersecurity with data and core OSS or BSS needs . To help our customers transform , we need to transform ourselves . My role is therefore to balance all these competing and sometimes conflicting demands , and ensure we have incorporated the right technology at the right time for the right outcomes .” To this end , she immediately enhanced HGC with agile and scrum , multi-cloud management , DevOps and site reliability engineering skills . “ Our first major project as the new HGC was extremely agile , cloud native , set up for continuous integration and continuous delivery ( Devops ), and supported by hybrid cloud methods from the start . The team didn ’ t know any different , so we set up a culture of continuous learning and agility to fail and fix quickly and everyone just got used to the pace of speed and change . This first project was the establishment of our API and
APRIL 2019