Jacqueline Teo
Microservices hub with Axway to open up our platform and it took us just three months to achieve . A year in , this is the only way we will launch any new capability .”
To support HGC ’ s digital journey , Teo also sought partners who can work flexibly with HGC within a fast-paced environment , and remarks that “ it was more important they fit us culturally first than have the cheapest price or the fanciest technology ”. She cites partners like Enxoo , Axway and Cloudsmartz who have a ‘ can-do ’ approach , fail fast with HGC and have the courage to push the boundaries of their technology .
In order to bring about change , Teo looked at where technology could be successfully implemented and that in itself required a rethink about the value of technology to HGC . She notes that the current global perception of digital technology shows businesses don ’ t really understand the depths and breadths of modern technology capabilities . “ They think it is easy because of own their digital experience , and they
Jacqueline Teo
Jacqueline Teo is Chief Digital Officer , responsible for technology and digital capabilities in the service of customers and internal staff . Her remit covers strategy , roadmapping , architecture , delivery and support , as well as accountability for P & L , and she has led significant technological transformation projects for large and complex organisations .
During a career that stretches back 25 years , Jacqueline has held a number C-level posts in the global telecommunications , media and entertainment industries , and has earned a reputation for spearheading game-changing initiatives on behalf of customers . asia . businesschief . com