Business Chief APAC+ANZ Magazine April 2016 | Page 82

ATSC4 SCATS ® Traffic Signal Controller
ATSC4 with Internal Uninterruptable Power Supply ( UPS ) for Traffic Signals
Delivering successful projects from Hobart to Dublin and many cities in between , we are totally committed to designing and integrating advanced electronic road network management products and providing adaptive engineering services to the traffic control and global ITS management industry .
Having designed & developed the latest SCATS ® compliant Traffic Signal Controller ( ATSC4 ) that is Type Approved by the Roads and Maritime Services Authority ( RMS ) of New South Wales Australia and VicRoads , these ATCS4 ’ s are now controlling more than 2,500 intersections globally with more than 600 in Victoria .
Leading the market , ATC has deployed the first controller in the world with the RMS VC6TRAFF software . Our ATSC4 SCATS ® Controller is significantly more capable & flexible than any other on the market .
ATC delivers , implements & maintains the RMS SCATS ® software for international customers and provide support services from its network of SCATS ® practitioners and traffic engineering staff .
Aldridge Traffic Controllers Pty Ltd Building N , 10-16 South Street , Rydalmere NSW 2116 ABN 44 098 257 035
Telephone : + 61 2 8846-5599 Facsimile : + 61 2 8846-5590 Web : www . atsc4 . com . au