Business Chief APAC+ANZ Magazine April 2016 | Page 81

CONSTRUCTION approaches problem solving . This includes working directly with the communities it serves to find out exactly how to meet its needs .
“ VicRoads recently released its new four-year strategic commitment , which includes our vision and how we intend to deliver on that vision ,” says Fisher . “ Unlike in the past , where we ’ d typically come up with an engineering solution that we would then tell the public and the customer about , we ’ ve substantially changed our approach . We now engage with our customers , understand what it is about their local area that they enjoy most , and then build a solution around the needs of the community .”
This approach , which includes annual satisfaction surveys , has yielded communication around which VicRoads can build concrete action plans and goals . “ What our customers are telling us is that they would like the ability to plan their journeys in an easier way before they make them , and to ensure that those journeys are more predictable . If something does happen , they want to be told what

“ VicRoads recently released its new four-year strategic commitment , which includes our vision and how we intend to deliver on that vision .”

– Nick Fisher , Director of Road Operations
www . vicroads . vic . gov . au 81