Business Chief APAC+ANZ Magazine April 2016 | Page 83

CONSTRUCTION we ’ re doing about it and find out easily what their alternatives are . They want to know that their journeys will be safe — and post-journey customers are telling us they would love to be able to give feedback on how their journey went .”
SHORT TERM AND LONG TERM GOALS To address these customer needs as well as business needs , VicRoads has first identified several short term priorities including delivering more predictable journeys and moving freight more efficiently . As a key part of realising the goals in these priorities , VicRoads is
Overnight works to lift beams into place for the bridge over Cheltenham Road in Keysborough as part of the Dandenong Bypass


Employees : 40 + Established : 2001 Industry : Transportation , Supplying the global Intelligent Transport Systems market
Worldwide distributors and integrators of ; SCATS ® software and SCATS ® Traffic Signal Controllers and associated hardware and software .
Services : SCATS ® Installation & maintenance , adaptive traffic engineering services , training & consulting , Electronic Engineering , Design & Manufacturing of advanced traffic control devices .
Ongoing Projects : In more than 12 Countries throughout Asia , Middle East , Europe and America .
Management : Andrew Bull - Managing Director Website : www . atsc4 . com www . vicroads . vic . gov . au 83