Burning 50 Lifestyle Magazine Issue 4 February 2016 | Page 3

Big Rube: They were seeding clouds with propeller planes to make it rain to increase the food supply long time ago being able to control weather isn’t the problem the problem is runaway climate change the is happening due to negligence to the environment there is a point of no return. It is like you are in the jungle with a lion there is a point of no return – the kill zone where if you are within that proximity of the lion you will not get away. It is not close either it like 50-100 yards something like that and that is how this is there is a point where there is no cleaning up or fixing the damage that we are doing to the environment. It’s a delicate balance it doesn’t take much to mess things up. If all the bees die we have a problem there will be no pollination to keep the crop/plants that would dies off we already cut down the rainforest and eliminated 1/3 of our oxygen.

Burning50: How often are you sharing the message with the youth?

Big Rube: We have been sharing it for 25 yrs it is getting them to listen..but that’s where music comes in to play it makes it not seem like they are being taught something. It helps to make it into a form that is understandable and relatable to them. A lot of people have told me that our music or my poems have touched their lives and you can’t put a price on that.

Burning 50: Yes because you are talking to someone whose life you touched. IT seems like yesterday but it was long time ago.

Big Rube: I got homeboys that had kids that were a year old that are grown now

Burning 50: Time is moving

Big Rube: Time is not moving we are just moving through it. It has been scientifically proven that time doesn’t move the same for everything and everyone the faster you go the faster you travel through time. You know that old adage if a tree falls in the woods does it make a sound there are two answers a. does it matter and b. no because there is no one there to hear it. Because in order for something to exist it has to be observed. There are labs in which the study various things there are Quantum particles that acts different when you are observing them. No one’s reality is exactly the same because each person’s perception is their reality.

Burning 50: Is there ever a moment that the body is not thinking?

Big Rube: No there is constant thought …thought is energy and is measurable. We need to keep in mind that the more we help other and the environment we are helping ourselves and when we are negative or damage the environment or others we are hurting ourselves because we are all part of the one another not separated by race, color or nationality but we are all one; and the world would be better if we acknowledged that.

Due to Big Rube having an event to get to we will be doing a follow up to the interview in an upcoming issue so stay tuned….Book him to come speak to your youth group even you adult empowerment groups. Shout out to his Manager Candis….

"You don't see eagles hanging with the turkeys"

Burning 50: Is there ever a moment that the body is not thinking?

Big Rube: No there is constant thought …thought is energy and is measurable. We need to keep in mind that the more we help other and the environment we are helping ourselves and when we are negative or damage the environment or others we are hurting ourselves because we are all part of the one another not separated by race, color or nationality but we are all one; and the world would be better if we acknowledged that.

Due to Big Rube having an event to get to we will be doing a follow up to the interview in an upcoming issue so stay tuned….Book him to come speak to your youth group even you adult empowerment groups. Shout out to his Manager Candis….