“ Pressures ” are the proximate human activities or processes impact on the status of values ( e . g ., unsustainable fishing or logging ). These are defined in the IUCN threat classification scheme followed by a combined rating for extent ( geographic area ), severity , and irreversibility .
Pressure IUCN Rating
Problematic native species |
8.2 |
Medium |
Ecosystem modifications |
7.3 |
Medium |
Invasive non-native species ( plants ) |
8.1.1 |
Medium |
Housing and urban areas |
1.1 |
Medium |
Recreational activities |
6.1 |
Medium |
Invasive non-native species ( verterbrates ) |
8.1.2 |
Medium |
Geological events 10 Medium
Recreational vehicles on beaches disturb shorebirds and turtle nests .
Agricultural effluents - Sediments 9.3.2 High
Dams and water management or use 7.2 High Agricultural effluents - Fertiliser 9.3.1 High Marine debris 9.4 High
Plastics enter the environment from human activity , degrading habitats and the health of many native species , including fish , turtles and birds .
Fishing and harvesting aquatic resources 5.4 High Mining 3.2 High
Community Workshops
At the workshops in Townsville and Ayr , teams created “ roadmaps ” for collective community action to reduce pressures identified as priorities by the community .
A roadmap is a diagram that demonstrates how strategies and actions can lead to intended outcomes . Representatives from 12 community group organisations participated ( Appendix 2 ).
The workshops were received well by participants , indicating that the process and materials were useful for conceptualising an idea that leads to real change , and working in groups would lead to a greater impact and outcome for the GBR , and if a pilot project were to get funded , they would continue working together in the future . Additional input to roadmaps was sought during individual appointments and the Traditional Owner Management Group meeting in October 2020 .
Youth Workshops
Reef Ecologic engaged schools and individuals under 25 across the Burdekin and Magnetic Island Regions . A survey was distributed to collect priority values across the region , completed by 153 youths with further individual engagement with 50 people during workshops .
Youth priorities were tourism and aesthetic values of inshore coral reefs and freshwater wetlands and rivers . Priority pressures were marine debris , sediment and fertiliser run-off . Priority actions identified were awareness campaigns , marine debris initiatives , and citizen science initiatives . Youth priorities and strategies would be integrated as elements or sub-components of final roadmaps developed under the Community Action Plan .