Condition ratings range from very poor to very good ( GBRMPA 2019 ).
“ Values ”, or biological attributes of the Great Barrier Reef represent the biodiversity in the region . These values help to focus actions and to monitor progress , and include species groups and key ecosystems :
Historical development on waterways has reduced the extent and condition of habitat for freshwater and estuarine fish today .
Mangroves and intertidal estuarine systems Marine megafauna Bony fish , sharks and rays Freshwater wetlands , riverine ecosystems Inshore seagrass meadows Sea and shore birds
Good Good-Poor Good-Poor Poor Poor Poor
Geological events such as natural changes in ocean currents accelerate erosion along beachfronts , creating steep sandy cliffs that impede turtle access to nesting grounds .
Interrefal and lagoonal benthos and invertebrates
Coastal vegetation including beaches
Inshore coral reefs
Very Poor
Non-native pest animals such as pigs , foxes , and dogs in coastal habitats consume eggs of marine turtles and nesting shorebirds .
Community Action Plan Development
The Community Action Plan was developed through a process based on the Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation ’ s iterative model development process . Preliminary work undertaken by consultants identified key biological values of and pressures to the Great Barrier Reef .
Values and their associated pressures were developed into a conceptual model ( Appendix 1 ).
A number of regional plans and frameworks were consulted to produce an accurate conceptual model that aligned with regional needs and priorities . Plans consulted for the assessment include :
• Burdekin Dry Tropics Natural Resource Management Plan 2016-2026
• Reef 2050 Water Quality Improvement Plan 2017-2022
• Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan 2018
• Burdekin Water Quality Improvement Plan 2016
• The Wetlands in the Great Barrier Reef Catchments Management Strategy 2016-2021
Additional information was gathered from academic research , government-generated literature , community consultations , and personal communications .
The draft conceptual model was further verified with key stakeholders , including GBRMPA representatives , and presented to Conservation Management for review .
A series of workshops brought together science , management , business , community , and Traditional Owners to identify local actions which address regional priorities .
The target audiences of this process were : Traditional Owners , coastal and marine community groups , young people , management agencies , NRM groups and local councils .
• Stakeholder Assessment table — Appendix 2 .