Priority Strategies
Six strategies proposed by community groups to mitigate pressures from the conceptual model or improve the condition of GBR values were identified as “ priority strategies ,” based on their potential impact and ability to integrate multiple stakeholders . Strategies not identified as priorities were noted for opportunities to integrate in future .
1 . The Increasing Fish Habitat in Townsville strategy with OzFish , Dry Tropics Partnerships for Healthy Waters , and Townsville City Council proposes the use of citizen science to measure the impact of historical development on underwater fish habitat in the Townsville area , and using that information to develop a habitat restoration project with long-term monitoring .
2 . Reducing Bycatch of Marine Turtles in the Net Fishery at Wunjunga aims to establish a high-level partnership between Wunjunga Progress Association , GBRMPA , and DAF Fisheries . This project aims to use citizen science monitoring to document the contribution of commercial inshore netting to turtle deaths in the Wunjunga area , and to provide fishing regulators with evidence that may contribute to the reassessment of area zoning to reduce or prevent netting .
3 . Reducing Feral Predation on Marine Turtle Nests at Cape Upstart with Cape Upstart Station , QPWS , and Whitsunday Landcare proposes a collective impact approach for feral animal control to reduce predation on turtle nests by coordinating integrated pest management , citizen science monitoring , and community on-ground action .
4 . The Beach Reprofiling for Turtle Nesting Success at Wunjunga project with Wunjunga Progress Association , and Burdekin Shire Council would reprofile the eroded foredune at Wunjunga to restore access for nesting turtles , applying lessons learned from the successful works at Raine Island .
5 . Lower Burdekin Landcare and Burdekin Shire Council ’ s Wetland Restoration in Ayr project seeks to improve the condition of an important wetland in Ayr by increasing the local landcare group ' s capacity to identify priority areas for restoration , write project proposals , seek funding , write action plans , and undertake on-ground action that will contribute to healthier wetland systems and improved water quality for the Great Barrier Reef .
6 . The Riparian Restoration in Townsville project from Coastal Dry Tropics Landcare , Dry Tropics Partnerships for Healthy Waters , and Townsville City Council would improve the condition of riparian vegetation in Townsville by partnering with local experts to learn how to identify priority riparian habitat using existing information , write project proposals , seek funding , write action plans , and undertake onground action that will contribute to healthier riparian systems and improved water quality for the Great Barrier Reef .