BSCOM 268 STUDY Keep Learning / BSCOM 268 STUDY Keep Learning / | Page 8

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. What is my purpose for reporting this controversy? How does reporting this controversy affect my ethical beliefs? Does the gender of the politician make a difference? What professional guidelines do I need to consider? Is it important to include other people's perspectives and diverse ideas in my report? 8. Who is affected by my report? What would my consequences be? 9. Should I have to justify my thinking and my decisions to my audience? ============================================= BSCOM 268 Week 5 Mass Media Messages and Effects Paper (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT This Tutorial contains 2 Papers Write a 1,700- to 2,100-word paper, using previous assignments, in which you identify and discuss the effects of mass media messages on society. Demonstrate how mass media may influence or create the effect in the public by distributing certain messages. Determine if there is an unethical influence on the public. Describe the historical and contemporary roles of electronic and digital media in society. Explain how technological transitions shape electronic and digital media.Analyze the influence of digital technology on electronic and digital media.