BSCOM 268 STUDY Keep Learning / BSCOM 268 STUDY Keep Learning / | Page 9

Select two peer-reviewed sources per team member in addition to specific examples from various sources. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Submit your assignment to the Assignment Files tab. ============================================= BSCOM 268 Week 5 Media Law Matrix FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT BSCOM 268 Week 5 Media Law Matrix Media Law Matrix. Submit your assignment to the Assignment Files tab. Media Law Matrix After reading Ch. 16 of the text, identify at least five laws relating to media regulation. Explain how the laws affect mass media and the public. Provide a brief description of ethical issues and considerations. Describe how these ethical considerations are related to the laws you have identified. BSCOM 268 Week 5 Media Law Matrix Media Law Matrix. Submit your assignment to the Assignment Files tab. Media Law Matrix After reading Ch. 16 of the text, identify at least five laws relating to media regulation. Explain how the laws affect mass media and