BSCOM 268 STUDY Keep Learning / BSCOM 268 STUDY Keep Learning / | Page 7

Submit a link to your presentation in a Microsoft ® Word document to your instructor if the media resource cannot be easily uploaded otherwise submit a copy of your assignment to the Assignment Files tab. ============================================= BSCOM 268 Week 4 Political Bias in Media FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Locate and watch a television news broadcast on a current political issue from a prominent media corporation such as Fox News, CNBC, MSNBC, CNN, or another source. Analyze the broadcast for objectivity or political bias. ============================================= BSCOM 268 Week 5 Ethical Decision Exercise (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT This Tutorial contains 2 Papers A prominent politician who is married and has two children was surreptitiously photographed engaging in an extramarital affair. Answer each of the following questions to this incident: 1. What do I know of the controversy? 2. What do I need to know?