Brotherhood - Marketing Communications Booklet MCB - WELLS | Page 9

MARKETING MIX Live Social Media Streams from Australia Beyond the Beers Founder Mike Campbell. - Conversations With Men That Break The Stereotype. #Backabrother social media campaign launches. User led campaign, headed by survivors of attempted suicide, feelings isolation or depression WO R L D SU I C I D E P R E V E NTI O N DAY M E N’S HEALT H AWAR NESS JUN 09 10 11 12 NOV JUL AUG SEP OCT 07 08 MAY Launch of Brotherhood Explore M E N’S HEA LTH WEEK UK Market Pre-Evaluation in starting to consider new markets to Launch in to 12 Month Evaluation #Backabrother Launch Ted Talk Health week series of short powerful talks from experts in mens health nutritionand fitness.