Brooks Road Landfill Certificate of Approval of Waste Disposal Site Brooks Road Landfill Certificate of Approval | Page 60
The following new terms and conditions are hereby added to the ECA No. A110302:
Alternative Daily Cover Trial Material - Tarp
100. (a) Tarp may be used as alternative daily cover material at the site, for a six-month trial period from the date of this
Notice, as described in Item 27 of Schedule "A", listed under Documentation in this Notice.
(b) The trial use of tarp as alternative daily cover material may be extended in six-month trial increments up to two (2)
years in total, each increment subject to a written approval of the District Manager prior to use, based on a report
submitted under Condition 106 below.
101. The use of tarp as daily cover shall be limited to the sloped working face of the landfilling area, where waste
deposition will be resumed the next site operating day, otherwise soil, or compost or woodchips cover shall be used in
accordance with Condition 76(a) of the Certificate.
102. Under unforeseeable circumstances, where waste deposition cannot be resumed the next site operating day at the
tipping f ace covered with tarp as alternative daily cover, the Owner/Operator shall use soil, or compost or woodchips
cover in accordance with Condition 76(a) of the Certificate.
103. The use of tarp as a daily cover material shall be suspended at any time, and daily soil cover, or compost or
woodchips shall be applied in accordance with Condition 76(a) of the Certificate, if the District Manager or a Provincial
Officer instructs the Owner/Operator in writing to take such action, or as the Owner/Operator determines, due to
unfavourable weather or mechanical conditions which do not permit the use of the tarp as daily cover.
104. A stockpile of soil, or compost, or woodchips containing three (3) days of cover needs shall be maintained on-site
near the tipping area for use by the Owner/Operator when the alternative cover material (tarp) cannot be used.
105. (a) The Owner/Operator shall notify the District Manager, in writing, at least one (1) week prior to commencement of
any six-month trial period.
(b) Tarp shall not be used as a daily cover material after any six-month trial period unless the Owner/Operator has
submitted a report as required by Condition 106 below, and has obtained a written approval by the District Manager, that
the use of tarp as a daily cover material at the site may continue.
(c) The Owner/Operator shall ensure that the Site inspection and record keeping as required in Condition 91 of Notice #2
dated May 5, 2004, includes data related to the trial use of tarp as a daily cover material, in its performance at least, as well
as soil in relation to its functions to control blowing litter, odours, landfill gas if present, vectors, fires, ability to withstand
weather conditions (wind, rain, snow, etc.), and provision for an aesthetic condition of the landfill during the active life of
the site.
106. (a) Within two weeks preceding the end of any six-month trial period, the Owner/Operator shall submit to the District
Manager, a report on the results of the trial use of tarp as a daily cover material, which is expected to perform at least, as
well as soil in relation to its functions to control blowing litter, odours, landfill gas if present, vectors, fires, its ability to
withstand weather conditions (wind, rain, snow, etc.), and provision for an aesthetic condition of the landfill during the
active life of the site. The report shall identify any operational problems, environmental impacts encountered during the trial
period, and how each was dealt with to resolve the problem and/or the impacts.
(b) At the end of the culmination of two (2) years of trial, should the Owner/Operator wish to continue further, the use of
tarp as Alternative Daily Cover over a long-term, an application with supporting information and applicable fees, copied to
the District Manager, must be submitted and approved by the Director via an amendment to this Certificate. The
supporting information must justify the performance of the tarp as daily cover at least, as well as soil in relation to the
following functions:
i. control of blowing litter, odours, dust, landfill gas if present, seagulls, vectors, vermin and fires;
ii. provision for aesthetic condition of the landfill during the active life of the site.