Brooks Road Landfill Certificate of Approval of Waste Disposal Site Brooks Road Landfill Certificate of Approval | Page 59

CONTENT COPY OF ORIGINAL Ministry of the Environment Ministère de l’Environnement AMENDMENT TO ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE APPROVAL NUMBER A110302 Notice No. 8 Issue Date: June 6, 2013 2270386 Ontario Limited 162 Cumberland St, No. 300 Toronto, Ontario M5R 3N5 Site Location: Brooks Road Landfill Site 160 Brooks Rd Part of Lot 24, Concession 1, North of Talbot Road Haldimand County, You are hereby notified that I have amended Approval No. A110302 issued on October 7, 1980' as subsequently amended fora Waste Disposal Site, consisting of 6 hectares (15 acres) waste fill area within a total site area of 12.4 hectares (30.6 acres), as follows: 1. ALTERNATIVE DAILY COVER TRIAL MATERIAL - TARP Pursuant to Condition 77 in Notice #2 of ECA, No. A 110302, dated May 5, 2004, approval is hereby granted for six (6) month trial use of tarp as an alternative daily cover material on the waste disposal site; and 2. ALTERNATIVE DAILY COVER MATERIALS - WOODCHIPS AND COMPOST Pursuant to Condition 77 in Notice #2 of ECA, No. A 110302, dated May 5, 2004, approval is hereby granted for use of woodchips and compost as an alternative daily cover material on the waste disposal site; all in accordance with the following supporting documentation and subject to the terms and conditions listed herein: Documentation The following items are hereby added to Schedule "A" and form part of the Environmental Compliance Approval No. A110302: 26. Environmental Compliance Approval Application dated May 16, 2012, signed by Richard Weldon, Vice President, 2270386 Ontario Limited. 27. Report entitled "Alternate Daily Cover (ADC)" Brooks Road Landfill, dated May 2012, prepared by GENIVAR Inc. Terms and Conditions Condition 76(a) in Notice #2 dated May 5, 2004, is hereby amended by adding compost and woodchips as daily cover materials, such that new Condition 76(a) reads as follows: Daily Cover - Soil, Compost and Woodchips 76. (a) At the end of each working day, the entire working face shall be compacted and covered with a minimum thickness of 150 mm of soil, or compost, or woodchips as daily cover material. Prior to placing waste at the start of the next operating day, the existing daily cover material shall be scarified or removed to the extent practical, to ensure vertical hydraulic connection is maintained between layers of waste and to promote percolation of leachate downwards to the leachate collection system.