Brooks Road Landfill Certificate of Approval of Waste Disposal Site Brooks Road Landfill Certificate of Approval | Page 61

CONTENT COPY OF ORIGINAL iii. provision for vehicle access to the active tipping face; and iv. the report shall summarise any operational problems, environmental impacts encountered during the trial period, and how each was dealt with to resolve the problem and/or the impacts. REASONS The reason(s) for this amendment to the Approval is (are) as follows: The reason for Conditions 100 to 106 is to allow a trial period over a short periodic intervals to assess the performance of tarp as alternative daily cover material which is expected to perform at least, as well as soil in relation to the functions to control blowing litter, odours, landfill gas, vectors, fires, and provision for vehicular access to the tipping face and aesthetic condition of the landfill during the active life of the site. This Notice shall constitute part of the approval issued under Approval No. A110302 dated October 7, 1980 In accordance with Section 139 of the Environmental Protection Act, you may by written Notice served upon me, the Environmental Review Tribunal and in accordance with Section 47 of the Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993, S.O. 1993, c. 28 (Environmental Bill of Rights), the Environmental Commissioner, within 15 days after receipt of this Notice, require a hearing by the Tribunal. The Environmental Commissioner will place notice of your appeal on the Environmental Registry. Section 142 of the Environmental Protection Act provides that the Notice requiring the hearing shall state: 1. The portions of the environmental compliance approval or each term or condition in the environmental compliance approval in respect of which the hearing is required, and; 2. The grounds on which you intend to rely at the hearing in relation to each portion appealed. Pursuant to subsection 139(3) of the Environmental Protection Act, a hearing may not be required with respect to any terms and conditions in this environmental compliance approval, if the terms and conditions are substantially the same as those contained in an approval that is amended or revoked by this environmental compliance approval. The Notice should also include: 3. The name of the appellant; 4. The address of the appellant; 5. The environmental compliance approval number; 6. The date of the environmental compliance approval; 7. The name of the Director, and; 8. The municipality or municipalities within which the project is to be engaged in. And the Notice should be signed and dated by the appellant. This Notice must be served upon: The Secretary* Environmental Review Tribunal 655 Bay Street, Suite 1500 Toronto, Ontario M5G 1E5 AND The Environmental Commissioner 1075 Bay Street, Suite 605 Toronto, Ontario M5S 2B1 AND The Director appoin