Brooks Road Landfill Certificate of Approval of Waste Disposal Site Brooks Road Landfill Certificate of Approval | Page 56

CONTENT COPY OF ORIGINAL dated April 25, 2012, based on the review of a letter entitled "Financial Assurance Update", Item 21, as revised by Item 22, Schedule "A", attached to this Approval, shall be provided by the Owner/Operator to the Director, in a form and manner acceptable to the Director. This amount shall be sufficient to pay for compliance with and performance of any action specified in this ECA, including the closure and post-closure care of the Site and contingency plans for the Site, as required in the Ministry's Landfill Standards Guideline, Sections 5.1.1 and 5.2.1. 2. Condition 80 of the ECA is hereby revoked and replaced with a new Condition 80 as follows: 80. (a) The financial assurance may be provided in stages, as per the revised Schedule “B3” attached to this Approval, as long as the amount that has been provided is always greater than the minimum amount determined in accordance with the formulae given in Schedules “B1” and “B2” attached to this Approval and based on the Ministry’s Landfill Standards Guideline, as amended. By January 31 of each year, the Owner/Operator shall provide to the Director, the financial assurance due as per the revised Schedule “B3”, with the amount due now (i.e., January 31, 2012) as $3,693,566.00 for year 2012, payable within 30 days of the date of this Approval. (b) By December 31 of each year, the Owner/Operator shall provide to the Director, copy to the District Manager, the estimation of costs and the amount of financial assurance as per Schedules “B1” and “B2”, for that calendar year, to confirm the financial assurance amount posted as per the revised Schedule “B3”, in advance of that year. Any short fall of the minimum amount determined from Schedules “B1” and “B2”, shall be provided to the Director forthwith. REVISED SCHEDULE "B " This revised Schedule "B" forms part of the Environmental Compliance Approval No. A110302 dated October 7, 1980, as amended August 22, 2002, and July 19, 2007, and as subsequently amended by this Notice. FINANCIAL ASSURANCE B.1 Closure & Post-Closure Care A = B x (C/D) where, A = the minimum amount of financial assurance that must be provided for closure and post-closure care; B = the total amount of financial assurance expressed as the present value at the estimated date of closure, in dollars current at that date, of an amount sufficient to cover the estimated costs for, (a) the planned closure of the largest area that will require final cover at any one time during the operation of the Site, including the costs of final cover and landscaping; (b) care and maintenance of the final cover and landscaping for the contaminating life span of the Site; and (c) all other expected post-closure care activities for the contaminating life span of the Site, including monitoring, analysis and reporting, the design, construction, operation, maintenance and replacement of engineered facilities and the disposal of wastes from the facilities, but not including any additional activities in the contingency plans for the Site. C = the cumulative amount of waste that has already been deposited at the Site; and D = the total amount of waste that will be deposited at the Site pursuant to the conditions in this ECA. B.2 Contingency Plans F = $0.50 x W x (I2/I1) where, F = the amount of the financial assurance for contingencies;