Brooks Road Landfill Certificate of Approval of Waste Disposal Site Brooks Road Landfill Certificate of Approval | Page 57

W = the cumulative number of tonnes of waste that have been deposited in the landfilling Site at the time the amount of financial assurance is calculated ;
I1 = the 1997 Annual Average Non-Residential Building Construction Price Index for Toronto , determined with reference to the same base year as is applicable to I2 , as published by Statistics Canada under the authority of the Statistics Act ( Canada ); and
I2 = the most recent Annual Average Non-Residential Building Construction Price Index for Toronto available at the time the amount of the financial assurance is calculated , as published by Statistics Canada under the authority of the Statistics Act ( Canada ).
Revised B . 3 Schedule of Payment for Financial Assurance YEAR
2011 $ 2,768,143.00 2012 $ 3,693,566.00 2013 $ 5,540,349.00 2014 $ 7,387,133.00 2015 $ 9,233,916.00
REASONS The reason ( s ) for this amendment to the Approval is ( are ) as follows :
The reason for this amendment is to update the ECA to reflect the change of the ownership / Operator for the Site , as per the Order of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in file No . 07-CL-7162 , dated Thursday , April 5 , 2012 . Conditions 78 and 80 are amended to update the financial assurrance for the Site to reflect the variations in the amount required based on current economic factors , and to set new payment schedule for the financial assurance to replace the lapsed schedule . The financial assurance must be sufficient and up-to-date to pay for compliance with and performance of any action specified in the ECA .
This Notice shall constitute part of the approval issued under Approval No . A110302 dated July 10 , 1980 , as amended .
In accordance with Section 139 of the Environmental Protection Act , you may by written Notice served upon me and the Environmental Review Tribunal within 15 days after receipt of this Notice , require a hearing by the Tribunal . Section 142 of the Environmental Protection Act provides that the Notice requiring the hearing shall state :
1 . The portions of the environmental compliance approval or each term or condition in the environmental compliance approval in respect of which the hearing is required , and ; 2 . The grounds on which you intend to rely at the hearing in relation to each portion appealed .
Pursuant to subsection 139 ( 3 ) of the Environmental Protection Act , a hearing may not be required with respect to any terms and conditions in this environmental compliance approval , if the terms and conditions are substantially the same as those contained in an approval that is amended or revoked by this environmental compliance approval .
The Notice should also include :
3 . The name of the appellant ; 4 . The address of the appellant ; 5 . The environmental compliance approval number ; 6 . The date of the environmental compliance approval ; 7 . The name of the Director , and ; 8 . The municipality or municipalities within which the project is to be engaged in .