of visual aids
Using visuals enables you to explain your
clients’ options in a way they can understand.
A study sponsored by 3M at the University
Of Minnesota School of Management on the
topic of “Persuasion and the Role of Visual
Presentation Support” shows that visuals are
important in any presentation.
The study found that presentations
that used visual aids were:
Remember, your job now is to help your
clients understand how the market
impacts their situation.
43% more
Powerful and relevant visuals give them
the best opportunity to understand the
complexities and nuances of the real estate
market. Your job is not done until they are
fully informed, can fully understand the
information, and can make the decision that
is best for them and their family. This is also
when you will have their trust and be seen
as a true professional.
Additional research at 3M has
shown that “we process visuals
60,000 times faster than text.”
You’ve heard the saying “a picture
is worth a thousand words,” right?
Below is the proof of that.
Which is Easier to Understand?
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Take the time to prepare visuals for
every appointment. It is vital to your
success in today’s environment.