Broadcast Beat Magazine 2016 BroadcastAsia Edition | Page 45


one chance to deliver content someone is willing to engage with, pay attention to, and share. With so much on the line, it’s critical to have an experienced team to help understand what your goals are upfront. Are you trying to build a brand? Drive action? The answers to these questions will steer your production and distribution decisions. Once you’ve determined your goals, you must decide how you will drive an audience to your content. Gone are the days of simply creating content, upload it, and wait for your customers to engage. The Internet is bursting at the seams with content, with more added every day, and competition for eyeballs is fierce. The key is delivering your content to those who are most receptive to your message.

AmpLive: Distribution Demystified

While the challenges associated with Live Video may seem daunting, AmpLive can help you overcome them. We do this, in part, by helping build live audiences and helping you gather actionable data to use in real-time. AmpLive helps you deliver your content to the people who want it the most. In a world with unlimited customer choice in content, getting your content discovered and shared faster means greater opportunity for conversion on your distribution dollars, and gives you an opportunity to earn more media, shares, downloads, and inquiries. AmpLive partners with the best web destinations and streaming providers to deliver your live content to viewers in their environment, where they are most receptive to receiving messages from marketers, and on their preferred devices. We help you deliver your highly valuable content to the right audience in the right place at the right time for deeper engagement and higher conversion. Connecting viewers to content is just the beginning. AmpLive captures actionable data to deliver against many types of goals, from maximizing tune-in, generating leads for your sales team, or driving product demand. By connecting the dots to the right people and effectively building audiences, AmpLive can collect the right data to make your broadcast actionable. The worst nightmare for any broadcaster is to attract a million viewers to your event, only to walk away with nothing. AmpLive protects against this scenario by delivering an actionable audience and identifying brand ambassadors, as well as determining who is likely to convert and which content is

effective at capturing audiences. How do we do this? With a brand-new technology called Attention Retargeting.

Attention Retargeting: Driving Content Distribution At Scale, in Real-Time

AmpLive’s patent-pending Attention Retargeting technology allows content creators to distribute their content at scale, to the right audience, and then retarget that audience with relevant messaging, all in real-time. Implementation is fast and easy, and in moments you can have a tuned-in audience watching and engaging with your event on any device, across thousands of distribution channels. This kind of visibility is crucial, but is only one piece of the puzzle. Like other retargeting solutions, ours is also able to follow a user from one web site and find them on another. Attention Retargeting puts an innovative spin on this concept by applying it to live video, enabling you to understand viewer behavior