Broadcast Beat Magazine 2016 BroadcastAsia Edition | Page 44


Eddie Vaca,

Founder, CEO, AmpLive

The Power of Video

With more competition for customer attention than ever, the need to build an intelligently-targeted audi-ence has never been greater. Putting your message out to the right people in the right medium is key to driving audiences and maximizing ROI. In todays modern world, the key to reaching audiences is to reach them where they are, in their favorite places, when they’re most receptive to being entertained. As a medium, video is increasing exponentially in its reach and influence as audience interest increases and the barriers to entry for producers and content creators decrease. With bandwidth costs falling, streaming video may soon overtake traditional broadcast; in today’s fast-paced world, your audiences, especially Millennials and other early-adopters, aren’t sitting at home watching TV – they’re watching video on their computers, tablets, or other mobile devices. They’re multi-tasking, watching videos on the go. As the hurdles to direct video distribution and audience

development fall away, tools like AmpLive have emerged to build out the infrastructure you need to create a niche audience.

Going Live: Video Evolved

All the advantages of video as a medium are amplified by going live. Where online video piques audience interest, Live Video grabs hold and won’t let go. Live Video creates the type of magic, unforgettable moments that go viral and capture national or international attention. Think about the most memorable moments in sports, news, and award shows. What do they have in common? They all happen LIVE. Live Video provides the opportunity to engage deeply and interact

with audiences in ways that were once impossible. By shifting from large, broad audiences to more niche distribution, you can create the kind of content that aligns with audiences who are receptive to your message and will give you the most attention, both on-demand and in real time, ultimately drive conversion to maximize your bottom line.

Challenges with

Live Video

Thanks to falling bandwidth and production costs, the expense of creating Live Video is comparable to traditional VOD production. Live Video does, however, present some unique challenges for content creators. First, it’s live: creators have one shot, one take, and

Live Video:

A White Paper