Briefing Papers Number 20, November 2012 | Page 10

specific objective(s) in other relevant sectors. These objectives are directly related to improving the nutritional status of beneficiaries, and they help inform the design of the activities and interventions. To maximize the impact of other sectors on nutrition, nutrition-specific interventions addressing the immediate causes of nutrition should be incorporated into—or specifically linked to—interventions in important other sectors (agriculture, heath, education). As a recent European Union reference document on addressing undernutrition in external assistance states, “Nutrition-specific objectives need to be incorporated in the design of assistance programs—whatever the sector or aid modality—thereby seeking and measuring specific results on nutrition.”76 SUN partners have also agreed on the need for nutrition-sensitive development strategies with clearly defined (secondary) nutrition goals and objectives. The World Bank knowledge platform for nutrition, “Secure Nutrition,” states that “nutritional goals must be explicitly incorporated into the design and implementation of agricultural and rural development projects and policies.”77 Finally, a 2007 World Bank/IFPRI review concluded that agricultural programs are most likely to have an impact on nutrition outcomes when they move beyond a narrow focus on agriculture for food production, and when they incorporate nutrition-specific objectives and interventions targeted to the most vulnerable people. Set Nutrition Targets After the nutrition objective(s) are determined, it is time to begin setting targets. Targets are needed to hold the program or activity accountTable 2 able for the results achieved; The 1,000-Day “Window of Opportunity” they can also serve as a way to highlight and promote program progress. Targets should The period in the life cycle from a mother’s pregnancy to a child’s second birthday is a critical be drawn from national and/ window of opportunity in which nutrition-specific interventions to improve maternal and child or sectoral nutrition strategies nutriti ۈ